Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Angola prison... and my grandfather?!

Where to begin.

Really had a special experience today visiting with a Vice President of Human Resources at a Southern Lousiana hospital. One that I won't forget.

As we started our typical small chat- I learned that she used to live in Asheville, North Carolina. I shared that I used to spend childhood summers in Asheville going to a summer camp called "The Cove Camp" at the Billy Graham Training Center. I figured that because of her age, and that she had spent time in Asheville, she would be quite familiar with Billy Graham and potentially my grandfather, Cliff Barrows who was the music director for Billy Graham's crusades for over 50 years.

Billy Graham and "Papa" to the right, probably in the 50's?

I don't typically talk about my "Papa" in meetings, but something told me that this VP of HR would be intriqued if I shared that I was his grandaughter. Perhaps it was the fact that she had told me she was a Southern Baptist Christian?!

After I told her, she excitedly told me, "Your grandfather came to Angola State Prison here in Lousiana and spoke/sang and told the prisoners that he would donate one of his organs (musical instrustments) to the prison." Apparantely it was big new in Lousiana, or at least, among the Baptists... :)

She then proceeded to teach me a bit of the history of Angola prison, and that it was once known as one of the most brutal prisons in the country.

She then shared that, in fact, she couldn't remember whether or not my grandfather had said he would donate an organ, or if he had said that he was going to have his casket made by the prison since apparantely they make wonderful wooden caskets. (At this point I'm thinking, when in the world am I going to get to my sales pitch?)

But I felt intrigued and told her that I would call my Mom to investigate which one it was- something about the organ being donated sounded terribly familiar- but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Then we somehow got on the subject of George Beverly Shea- the third original team member who was famous for singing beloved hymns at Billy Graham's crusades, most notably, "How Great Thou Art."

Papa, Billy Graham, and George Beverly Shea
She had thought that George Beverly Shea had passed away, since he was the oldest of the group. I shared that he in fact was alive and very much still kickin'. "In fact," I exclaimed, "... my Mom and I visited him in his home this past fall."

And that's when it clicked!

When we were there in his home I remember "Uncle Bev" proudly showing us his brand new organ; one which could play songs automatically. He told us that the organ was also his alarm clock, and he would set it to play this extremely loud music all throughout the house and this is what he would wake up to!

I told the VP of HR that I think in fact it was not my grandfather who came to Angola prision, but George Beverly Shea... but that I would double check with my mom and get back to her.

Sure enough, after my meeting I called my mom, told her the story, and she said that yes, in fact, it was George Beverly Shea who wanted to donate an organ to Angola prison. After we had visited with him last fall, on our way out the door, Uncle Bev had pointed to a much older organ of his (he must have had 5 organs in the house) and exclaimed that in a few weeks he would be traveling to Lousiana to give the organ to the prison.

The reason why my Mom remembered this, is because, in her typical Lydia Barrows humor, she turned to Uncle Bev and said, "You are the only living organ donor I know."

It was as if a light bulb went off and I remembered exactly the organ which now sits in Angola Prison here in Lousiana.

Next time I think I might have to go find it. ;)

Monday, January 3, 2011

"Go out to see the world. Come home for love."

I love this quote!

I first spotted it on a decorative block of wood in a cute San Diego shop earlier this summer. It has become a fitting motto for my life.

Over this past year of extensive travel I've learned that though there are so many interesting and wonderful things to see in this world, one should never expect from the world what can only be fulfilled by what we each consider "home."

To me, "home" means family. And over the past two weeks of no travel, meetings, or phone calls, I have soaked up a whole lotta love from this crazy group. In fact, I think I might have overdosed. 

Introducing... Buzz Lightyear.
Earth name= Nephew Jackson.

Buzz helps Papa cook some bacon on Sunday morning.
Introducing Miss Mailey... here she wears the little dress my Swiss nanny gave me when I was a baby!

My hero. She can eat and sleep at the same time!

Buzz gets a surprise from Daddy. A Toy Story 3 inflatable ball to roll inside of!
It took Papa and Justin hours to manually pump this ball up!

Papa rolls Jackson around (while wearing Jackson's hat).
P.S. It's snowing in South Carolina!
Aunt Betsy jumps in! (Harder than it looks).

Yay! Jackson gets big boy Toy Story underwear for Christmas!

Too bad they fit Auntie JJ better than Jackson.

Hard to keep up with the Barrows' stockings.

Bobby was responsible for filling Dad's stocking, per our family tradition. Not knowing where Dad's stocking was, Bobby improvised,and literally hung Hanes socks across the mantle with Dad's goodies inside. (Please note the last Hanes sock to the far right. Bobby filled it with... Hanes socks).

Mailey loves to pull Uncle Bobby's hair.

Mom... being Mom. ;)

Bobby.... being Bobby.

Buddy/Bobby... being Buddy/Bobby  :)

Jackson loves dressing up in our coats. Here he wears Bobby's poofy vest. I love this!

For New Years, 4 generations of Barrows girls (and Buddy)  watched fireworks from our front porch in our new bath robes.