Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just another romantic dinner...

with me, myself, and I.

Sometimes I don't mind eating alone; sometimes I prefer eating alone; and sometimes... I just feel sorry for myself.

I am in Alexandria, Louisiana. I was determined to not eat subway or fast food tonight (especially since I voluntarily chose to eat McDonalds for lunch), so I headed down 49 South to MacCarthur Boulevard- per the recommendation of my Hampton Inn front desk lady.

As I drive, my appetite is not impressed. Taco Bell.... Texas Roadhouse... Applebee's... BBQ... Taco Bueno... no, no, no, no, no. Gag, gag, gag, gag.

Then all of sudden I notice a sketchy looking Italian restaurant that peaks my interest, so I try to pull over to check out the scene. (The car in the lane beside me is very upset that I am suddenly trying to get over, so he honks obnoxiously and gives me the middle finger). Ahhh... what a wonderful end to the day.

Eventually, I pull into the parking lot... very confused about what I would find inside. But experience has taught me that even in the most remote places... one can actually find authentic, good cuisine. Still unsure though, I leave my purse in the car. The plan of action is to walk in and ask for a menu- check out the atmosphere and if it is too dodgey, make a run for it.

I walk in and instantly know that I've made the right choice. It must be family owned because when I ask the kid at the front counter for a menu he says, "Dad... which one do I show her?"

The menu consists of home-made pastas and cannolis.... heaven to look at a menu like this. I soak up every word and have fun simply reading the descriptions of all the possible options of food.

My waitress... is a riot. She convinces me to order the chicken pasta dish with banana peppers and mushrooms. I ask her if it's spicy. She says no... that it's only spicy "in a banana-pepperish kind of way."

I go for it, knowing full well that servers' recommendations are usually trustworthy.

Meanwhile I sip on chardonnay and listen to beautiful romantic Italian music which makes me feel really sorry for my lonely self- Sitting here with my laptop while couples sit nearby in their business attire... likely sharing details of their day, comforting one another through conversation and the clink of their "cheers"  when the wine arrives.

Speaking of arrivals... the "not spicy" pasta entree comes. After a few first bites... my lips are on fire. I actually started sweating during the initial intake. I gulped down my water and added the extra ice to my chardonnay... But of course, my people-pleasing-self comments to the waitress, "excellent recommendation!!"


Time for dessert. My heart was set on the cannoli... but the waitress convinces me otherwise. She goes into a 5 minute schpiel about the lemoncello mascarpone cake->  "Oh my gah girl! I don't even like lemon and this cake is aaammmaaaazzziinnngg!! Oh my gah!!"

I appreciate her passion for the cake, so, I go for it.

Meanwhile, a waiter starts bringing lit candles to all of the tables. He stops by my table and says..."do you want me to wait to put your candle here?"

No! By all means... give me the candle! I know I'm alone... but I am just as deserving of a candle lit dinner.... aren't I?

Anyway... the cake really was......  ammaaaazzzinnnggg.... I devoured every bite as I typed this blog... and even scraped the plate at the end.

(As a side note, Dancing with the Stars starts in two minutes so I am trying to figure out whether or not to stay for coffee or head back to the hotel...)

In any event... I know that one day I will not eat most dinner's alone- and I look forward to that time of my life... but for now... I will enjoy having just another romantic dinner.... with me, myself, and I.